Question Bank Financial Management

(As per the syllabus of Anna University, University of Madras, Annamalai University & Other Universities) For B.Com., M.Com. 1st year, M.B.A. 1st year

Quick Overview

Publisher: Sultan Chand & Sons

Publishing Year: 2020

Size (mm): 210.00 x 130.00

ISBN: 93-5161-174-5

Page nos.: vi + 98

MRP: 130.00

Subject: Commerce & Management

₹130.00 + Add to Cart

Financial Management is a book designed to assist the readers to develop an understanding of the rapidly evolving and existing theory of finance. Questions are framed in such a way that the readers will be able to quickly connect with the contents. The appropriate answers to the questions will lessen the burden of the students trying to navigate for answers like in conventional means. Suitable headings and sub-headings have been given to capture the attention of the readers and for easy remembrance as well. The chapter arrangements in the book have been made in a systematic and logical way with examples and illustrations. Question papers at the end of the book enhance the readers' clarity and deeper understanding of formulation of questions which appeared in semester examinations hitherto.

Salient Features

  • A ready reckoner of short and long answer questions

  • Appropriate headings and sub-headings in relevance to each question

  • Question-wise coherency in concepts all through the chapters

  • Problems along with answers 

  • Past question papers at a glance

Unit I - Foundation of Finance
Unit II - Investment Decisions
Unit III - Financing and Dividend Decisions
Unit IV - Working Capital Management
Unit V - Financial Markets
Questions Papers

ISBN13: 978-93-5161-174-5

Weight: 110.00

Edition: 1st Edition

Language: English

Title Code: 13


Authored By : Ambuli TV, Pradeepa Nisha SP
Customer Reviews
  • Padmanabhan A.P. 30/1/2021

    Excellent Book and very useful for students. Comprehensive Book The book covers all syllabus and recent trends. It is a very good book and helpful for students. The book contains all latest questions and syllabus and all the recent topics have been updated in the book.

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