Salient Features
- The first book on Business Economics based on Unit-wise structure of course contents to facilitate teaching, study and examination in Guru Govind Singh Inderaprastha Univerity, Delhi Business Economics Curriculum.
- Metrical Dimension of the Subject is also duly emphasized.
- A number of decision-making situations in the form of practical illustrations of solved practical problems and case study illustration have been included.
- A good number of Indian examples and examples and experiences specially relevant for Indian Student have been incorporated.
- Numerous Tables, Diagrams and Charts Illustrate analysis of different concepts/principles and their application.
- A large number of Practical Problems with Solutions. Objective Type Questions – Multiple choice type and True and False type and Review Questions at chapter end are given so as to provide ample material for class dicussion, Homework assignments and University Examinations.
- Plenty of solved numericals (non-calculus as well as involving elementary calculus) are given.
- A number of Cases for class discussion and home assignments are provided.
- A rich Question Bank follows comprising solved short answer questions and true / false and correct / incorrect type questions besides recent examination paper of GGSIP University Delhi.
Section I: Introduction to Business Economics and Fundamental Concepts
- Nature, Scope and Importance of Business Economics
- Fundamental Concepts in Business Economics
Section II: Economic Theories of Consumer Behaviour
- Utility Theory
- Indifference Curve Analysis
- Income and Substitution Effect
Section III: Demand Analysis
- Theory of Demand: Demand Determinants
- Demand Elasticities- Concepts and Measurement
Section IV: Demand Forecasting
- Demand Forecasting – General Considerations
- Demand Forecasting – Survey Methods
- Demand Forecasting – Statistical Methods
Section V: Theory of Production
- Production and Factors of Production
- Production Functions
- Economics and Diseconomies of Scale
Section VI: Cost Analysis
- Cost Concepts
- Short – run and long – run Cost Curves- Traditional and Modern Approaches
Section VII: Price Output Decisions
- Market Structure
- Perfect Competition and Price Output Decisions
- Monopoly and Price – Output Decisions
- Price Discrimination
- Monopolistic Competition and Price Output Decisions
- Oligopoly and Price Output Decisions
- Oligopoly – Classical Models
- Collusive Oligopoly – Cartels
- Price Leadership
1st Edition
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